Thomas George ANSON (Earl ofLic) -- to -- Elizabeth BRUCE (CountsofCa)
Anne BRUDENELL -- to -- William Henry EDGECUMBE (Dkofmntedg)
Isabel ELAND -- to -- Georgiana Susan HAMILTON (Cntssofwin)
Harriet Georgiana Louisa HAMILTON (Cntssoflic) -- to -- Augusta Catherine Gordon LENNOX (PofSaxe-We)
Caroline Emelia Gordon LENNOX (CntsofBesb) -- to -- Helen OGLETHORPE
Rachel Catherine ORFORD -- to -- Anne SAVILE
Anne SAVILE -- to -- Frances SAVILE
Frances SAVILE -- to -- Jane SAVILE
Jane SAVILE -- to -- John SAVILE
John SAVILE -- to -- Samuel SAVILE
Sarah SAVILE -- to -- Elizabeth THORNHILL
Frances THWAITES -- to -- Thomas WORTLEY